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Temporary work placements aren't always bad - let's take a look at the pros!

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

Whenever we ask a job seeker whether they would consider temporary work, it’s not unusual to be met with a very swift “No, thank you”, sometimes accompanied with a look of distain. While there are some valid reasons as to why a temporary work placement wouldn’t be a viable option for some people, you shouldn’t immediately rule it out if the positives outweigh the negatives for your personal circumstances.

Let’s take a deep dive into the pros of temporary working!


This is perhaps one of the biggest benefits of temporary working. Without the same level of commitment as a full-time job, in most temporary work placements you can simply choose a different assignment once the previous one is over. This means you can actively seek the type of role that brings you the most satisfaction!

You are also in a much better position to choose how much you want to work, which can be a tangible benefit for applicants with families or other responsibilities and hobbies that they don’t want to sacrifice time for.

In terms of work-life balance, temporary work placements have proven to be a fantastic alternative for some of the job seekers that we have helped over the years.

New Skills

If you’re undecided about which career path you’d like to pursue, then temporary working is a great way of learning new things and working out where your skills and passions lie. The variety that you experience while undertaking temporary work will also help your CV to look more impressive if and when you begin looking for a more permanent position.

Being able to provide employers with a rich and diverse set of skills, in addition to an adaptable working ethic, immediately signifies your flexibility and employability. Not only does this make you suitable for a number of roles, but you may even help develop them, making you an indispensable addition to any organisation.

Source of Income

Many people turn to temporary positions while trying to get their foot into the door for a more permanent role. This is because it can take a number of applications and interviews before you secure the role that’s right for you, and if you’re out of work, a temporary position still brings in an income while you’re searching.

Temporary positions are extremely useful when it comes to job hunting, because you can focus on finding the perfect job for you, without worrying about your finances.


Ever heard the phrase, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”? We can guarantee you have, and there’s a good reason for it.

The world of temporary working opens up so many doors, each one as rewarding as the last. When you work within many different fields and industries, you will meet a number of professionals who will prove invaluable throughout your working life.

You never know where your career will take you, so being on good terms with a variety of people in different sectors never hurts; you just never know when you’ll need a reference!

Possibility of a Permanent Position

Temporary positions can become permanent positions – it’s not unheard of and it happens pretty regularly!

Employers could take one look at your work ethic, the quality of work that you produce and your positive attitude, and offer you a permanent position after your temporary placement is finished. It may be that business objectives and forecasted growth are stronger than what was predicted at the start of your employment, therefore opening opportunities for a longer-term career.

Regardless of the long-term potential, you should always arrive at work prepared to give 110%, because even if you’re unsuccessful at securing a full-time position by the end of your placement, your hard work and dedication will have earned you a glowing recommendation. Also, remember what we said about networking? You will always stand out as someone who delivered, time and time again. That goes a long way!

The next time you find yourself searching for a new career or a fresh start, don’t be so quick to overlook temporary work placements. They can be an excellent way to help you find out what exactly you enjoy, while equipping you with a variety of transferrable skills, and introducing you to a number of professionals along the way. People don’t usually consider temporary placements when searching for a new job, but it might turn out to be exactly what you need at this moment in time.

If you’re searching for a new career, or are in need of advice, please get in touch!


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