Whether you work in I.T, sales, recruitment, or any office-based job, it's become vitally important to have the correct I.T. infrastructure in place to support the changing trends in employers adopting a flexible approach to working.
This is the main reason why we've decided to relaunch our innovative I.T. Department, ensuring that we can help our clients source the perfect candidates for innovative and exciting roles within the I.T. sector, all across the UK.
We see the vast potential within the I.T. industry and recognise how vital that sector is becoming. We've spent large amounts of time maintaining and updating specialist job boards, investing in specialist recruiters, and providing clients with our expertise regarding their I.T. requirements – more than ever before! It's an ever-changing sector to be involved in, and it certainly keeps us on our toes, but that's part of the reason why we love the world of recruitment.
Read on to discover why I.T. is booming right now, and what Work Wales are doing to answer this increase in demand!

A Change of Perspective
For a number of reasons, our jobs may instigate different thoughts about how we feel about our career and place of employment. We may realise we need a new challenge, or a new role where we can grow and develop; somewhere where we could truly use our skills and utilise our passion.
An Opportunity to Upskill
For those of us who do realise that we need a new beginning, a career change that could benefit us, or a potential new workplace, learning new skills or further developing our existing skills is the answer! A particular sector that has seen and is still seeing a rise in the number of vacancies and the number of people reskilling in, is I.T.
Over the last year or two, the huge number of people working from home meant that on-site I.T. specialists were not available, so companies were employing I.T. workers remotely to assist their employees with issues, and to remedy any technical discrepancies that were hindering the ability of their employees to work effectively.
I.T. has always been a popular sector to work in, and with employees given a greater degree of autonomy over their work output without any immediate I.T. support, it was only a matter of time before the sector saw a rise in vacancies and jobseekers.
Relaunching our I.T. Department
Foreseeing the rise in vacancies and jobseekers within the I.T. sector, we relaunched our I.T. department in response to the increased demand from our loyal client base. We have always recruited in I.T., but now, we are doubling our efforts in the journey towards finding the right employees for the right employers, leaving no stone unturned! We love coming across a potential employee and finding out just what it is that makes them the right fit and why they could – and will – benefit our clients.
With all change comes exciting opportunities and the ability to inspire others, and that is what we have always aimed to do when it comes to helping companies fill empty vacancies. We think it's paramount that a potential new employee not only fits the ethos and USPs of a particular company, but that their personality can improve a business in terms of morals and productivity. Of course, this works both ways, and it is also important that the employer is the right choice for the employee in terms of ethos and culture.
So, if you're on the look-out for a new employee in your I.T. department, or you are an I.T. professional looking for your next challenge, contact us today and we will help you either find the right person for your vacant role, or we'll aid you in your search for a new role, a new beginning and a potential new employer.
Remember, at Work Wales, we Make It Happen, we are The Talent Seekers - revolutionising recruitment isn't just our job… it's simply a matter of who we are.