The first step in building a strong relationship with a new hire is through a detailed onboarding process. The more thorough this is, the better the new hire will adjust and settle in to their role. They’ll be able to understand job expectations more clearly, which will ensure better job performance, leading to more efficiency and a higher morale in the office. Sounds pretty good to us!
We encourage all of the employers who work with us at Work Wales, to develop a thorough onboarding process for every single new hire, because we have seen the benefits first-hand and we know how much it means to new employees.
If you're not too sure of what to include in your onboarding process, or if you don't have one at all but would like to create one, read on for our handy checklist!
Prepare Paperwork:
Before your new hire's first day, it's important to get ahead of the game and prepare all of the paperwork that they'll need to sign and read through when they arrive. This can include any tax documents, contract agreements, contact information, etc.
It's best to have this prepared before they arrive; the last thing you want to do is be rushing around while they’re sat down waiting for you. First impressions are key!
Order Devices & Equipment:
New devices such as a work phone, a laptop, and a company car need to be ordered in advance as they obviously take a while to arrive, and then phones & laptops will all need to be set up in readiness. You'll want your new employee to be able to log on and get to grips with everything as soon as they arrive! Will your new hire need to wear a company uniform? Check sizes and measurements and get this ordered in on time.
Create Accounts and Logins:
If technology will play a key role in your new hire's job description, you might want to consider having your tech affairs in order ready for day one. We're talking Microsoft Office, any anti-virus protection, your work software, and anything that they'll need access to. Keep a note of the login information and store it on a shared drive, just in case they should accidentally log themselves out.
Send a Welcome Message:
Before their first day, we recommend that you send your new employee a welcome message. This can be either an email or a letter, and it should create a really positive and exciting first impression.
Details should include a warm welcome, the start date & location, a list of documents they'll need to bring, a dress code if there is one, and an employee handbook if you've got one. Positivity is key in this message! You'll want them to feel really excited about their first day.
Prepare their Workspace:
Whether it’s an office, factory, warehouse, retail unit or anything else, as the big day draws closer, it's great to prepare the workspace for your new arrival. Set up desks if required, ensure the workspace is clean, tidy and welcoming and up to the standard you'll expect your new hire to maintain.
If they have any new devices (laptop, mobile, car keys for their new car), it would be a nice touch to set these all up for them, but keep the boxes so they have something to open up when they arrive. A welcome card from the team adds a warm touch, alongside little gestures and token gifts that might be relevant, such as a notepad, personalised mug or coffee cup, a branded lanyard, and a box of chocolates.
Start Day:
The all-important start date has arrived! Once your new hire has been introduced to the team, allow the time and freedom for them to familiarise with their new surroundings. First days are known to be packed full of information, so try not to overwhelm or overload too much!
Important things to cover are the signing of paperwork, a tour of the premises, and clearly showing them where the fire assembly point is. Small, close-knit team? A team lunch out can be a great way to break the ice and for everyone to unwind and get to know each other in a more relaxed setting.
Assign a Mentor:
If your new starter is part of a specific department, we recommend that you assign a more senior member of the team to be their mentor for the first couple of weeks.
Now, this doesn't mean constant interference; allow your new starter to quietly shadow this person in order to understand the company processes.
Having an established 'buddy' is also a great opportunity to enable your new employee to feel more comfortable, as they'll have a friendly face to see each day.
Schedule Onboarding Feedback:
After a couple of weeks, your new starter should have settled in and be thriving in their role if the onboarding process was smooth and informative (which should be the case if you follow the above steps). Now would be an excellent time to schedule an informal catch-up meeting with your employee to discuss the onboarding process.
This needs to be an honest conversation as it's as much for your benefit as it is for theirs. You'll want to find out if the onboarding was smooth, if all of their questions were answered if they're enjoying their role so far, if their responsibilities are as advertised in the job description, and finally if you could have done anything differently as an employer.
These sessions are incredibly important as they'll allow you to streamline your processes for the next influx of new employees, resulting in a happy and proactive working environment.
Set up Check-In Plans:
Well, your new employee is all settled in and excelling at their role. Give yourself a pat on the back, this is all down to your attention to detail when onboarding them!
The hard work is done, however it's a good idea to set up check-in dates in the next 30, 60, and 90 days. These little meetings are a great opportunity for an informal chat about how your employee is finding working for you. You can monitor how they're feeling within their role, ask them if there’s anything they're struggling with or any further training they would like, and then keep track of this over the coming months.
Not only is this information useful for you, it'll also show them that you care about their wellbeing and their future; a truly invaluable quality in an employer.
There you have it, our helpful checklist for the onboarding process! If you follow these tips, your new employee will be absolutely overjoyed by their choice to work for you, and they'll be settled in to their new role in no time.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us – we're always happy to help!